PCI Membranes Academy
Optimise your textile dyeing process with membrane technology
Efficient manufacturing processes will reduce the total processing costs and help you reaching sustainable development goals. Samson Akanbi, senior process engineer at PCI Membranes, will be discussing dye applications (Desalting/Purification, Concentration & Water Recovery) and solutions to optimise your textile dyeing processes.
What you will learn in the webinar:
- Dye & dye desalting
- Nanofiltration(NF)/Ultrafiltration(UF) in textile dyeing
- Diafiltration in textile dyeing
- Textile wastewater: COD & colour removal
- PCI Membranes’ relevant product portfolio
Speaker bio

Samson Akanbi
Senior Process Engineer
– PCI Membranes

At PCI Membranes, we manufacture membranes, build filtration plants, and are working with a number of dye facilities throughout Europe and Asia.